A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return.
— The Bhagavad Gita

Click above to read the feature story on “Feed The Way” in Kosmos A Journal for Global Transformation.

Click above to view Jake’s (Paul W. Jacob) feature story, “There are no Homeless People in God”, published in Issue #104 of Sufi: The Journal of Mystical Philosophy and Practice.

Click above to read the interview “Wandering Latitudes and Inner Longitudes” with Paul W. Jacob (Jake) featured in the Abraxas Review.

Click on the images below to learn more about Jake’s work:


offering retreats and leading spiritual formation groups that foster inter-religious dialog and spiritual understanding


working with individuals and groups to overcome egoistic behavior and social conditioning through spiritual reading, self inquiry, and contemplation


feeding the community through soup kitchens, food pantries, seasonal dinners, catering special events, and cooking meals for at-risk youth


a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization that delivers Care Bags, meals, warm clothes, and spiritual care to our homeless brothers and sisters living rough on the streets


teaching classes and presenting talks at colleges/universities, public libraries, and senior residences on world religions, spiritual literature, travel writing, haiku poetry, and the power of place.


composing literary works and recordings that delve into spirituality, the poetics of place, and the lives of marginalized people

delivering solo readings and performances with musicians to raise money for charities

Click on the book cover below to purchase Jake's artistic and literary work titled:

Falling onto the Ground: A Collection of Autumn Leaf Prints with Seasonal Poems

Limited edition - $30

Limited edition - $30

This beautifully designed collection of seasonal Haiku, Tanka, and Lanterne poems paired with Autumn Leaf Prints honors the fleeting glory of autumn and its transition into the contemplative grace of the bare winter landscape. The 41 full-color leaf prints also offer an environmental insight into the varietals of trees that inhabit the northeast region. This book is a work of art inspired by the sacredness of creation.  

Falling onto the Ground was published by the Stony Point Center, a multi-faith retreat center in the lower Hudson River Valley, where Jake served as the artist-in-residence from September 2017 - May 2018.  The book was printed in the U.S.A. on 100% post-consumer recycled paper with plant-based inks. It was designed by his wife, Jess.